9220 BB Trackpad error

                        Blackberry 9220 is a lot of problems and including BLACKBERRY that is difficult to be improved especially when it's dead, blink and is not detected on your pc, but here we will discuss is the issue trackpad, the trackpad on the menu is not the road but on the main menu to normal, it is because initially phone contact with water or have not in the clear on his keytone.
                        Initial solution we dismantle the phone, open the keytone and wear clean thinners and then we blow part of the board keypad evenly, usually with this trick trackpad will be normal again, do not minded if trackpadnya damaged obviously this is not trackpadnya reason was because the main menu trackpad normal under I will give tricks to fix them.

 Discard all circled below picture this trick does not make telphone die above and below.

9220 BB Trackpad navigation error


move all circled below image

9220 BB Trackpad navigation error


9220 BB Trackpad error