Nokia asha 200 lcd white screen and solution

 Nokia asha 200 lcd white screen and solution

 Nokia asha 200 lcd white screen and solution

Caption top

Numbers 2,3,4 and 5,8,19,20,21,22,23,24 to D3100
No. 7,14,16,17,18 to ground
7,11,14 numbers, empty.

Nokia is indeed not wear  lamp ic or lamps driver.lane directly connect to cpu.If there really is a path-breaking will be hard to dial back, the solution is to dismantle ic cpu, this is very risky at all, can make the phone so dead.Cpu ic can not stand the heat, if indeed you want to experiment, just blow through the bottom of the board do not over ic cpu, but underneath, because of the slow lorises cpu will be reduced hot.


Nokia asha 200 lcd white screen and solution