Nokia 210 lcd lights without transistor

                  On the Nokia 210 lcd light settings and keypad light is divided into two parts, namely light bulbs lcd and keypad, meaning transistor lamp has its own lcd, lcd So when the lights went out but the lights are still lit keypad.
                   Before you use this trick should first check lcd light path as shown below, since it is not possible to create a path breaking lcd lights went dark.

Nokia 210 lcd lights without transistor

After you check the track is ok , but the lcd lights still out , 
the possibilities can also be diodes transistor
Nokia 210 lcd lights without transistor
If you have transistor and diodes are still good can be changed on the V2401 and V2400 circled above picture , but if you do not have anything, can use without transistor and diodes , .But before you dispose of used V2401 and V2400.then made ​​a jumper as shown below

Nokia 210 lcd lights without transistor
 The trick unloading lcd , lcd lights dislodged and create parallel jumper as shown above , 
the trick is 1000% successful


Nokia 210 lcd lights without transistor